Monday, March 10, 2008

Commencement of a New Blog

Sound the horns ladies and gentlemen, a new blog is here on the internets.

This is a place for me to do quite a bit of things. But primarily it is a place for me to post partial chapters/whole chapters of the book I am currently writing. Please watch out for updates, and keep the comments a going.

Allow me to introduce myself (beyond the scope of my bio). I'm a recent Smith College graduate who is now studying economics and sustainability at New York University. I live in Manhattan with my lovely dog Kiri, my cat Colfax, and my girlfriend Kellie. I'm into photo documentary projects, protesting anti-queer folk, advocating for what I believe is just and right in the world, and being outdoors in the wilderness as much as possible.

I work for the infamous Pulitzer prize winning photo journalist Edward Keating. I also own my own marketing firm. I am always spread thin, but seem to manage my ability to balance everything...Although it can be challenging.

So there you have it sports fans.

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